Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Become the Blessing...

The greatest gift of all is to become the blessing… (Ann Voskamp, Author, One Thousand Gifts

You have no clue who is watching you or who you are inspiring every day. I have been approached on numerous occasions by people who say they have been "watching" me and notice my transformation, they see the change in me and they are inspired to do the same. They are eating better, exercising, giving up

caffeine; they are even giving juicing a try… all sorts of wonderful healthy lifestyle changes are taking place all around me! Without even knowing it, I have been blessing others with my actions. Who knew that my challenges and my triumphs could be someone else’s inspiration and motivation?! I always say everything happens for a reason! And once again that saying rings true! Since last year I have faced down some hard core health challenges, but I have been determined to not give up or give in! My dad always said I had spunk! :) I have been determined to come through stronger and better than ever, I have been determined to be triumphant and I have believed that God would never leave me or forsake me during this or any other challenge in my life. I put the power of prayer, focus and determination into every minute every hour and every day. When I wake I start my day with this prayer/declaration… Thank you God for giving me another day of LIFE, sight and breath! I declare that I will be triumphant over my health challenges. I declare that today will be better than yesterday. I declare that I will never give up on me! I am so thankful for the realization that I am not only improving my own life and health but there is a domino effect going on around me as a direct result of my actions. I thank God for using me as a vessel to help inspire others to improve on their own health and wellness. I am so blessed to be surrounded by positive and supportive people all willing to help me or cheer me on as I continue on my journey, having that support helps me keep going on the days when I feel like I might not be able to. Feeling overwhelmed with joy and so thankful!

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