Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Someone has a ‪Crush‬ on me!

Someone has a crush on me, and I'm crushing right back!

 Thank you Bliss Magazine for picking me as your ‪#‎WCW‬

 Bliss Magazine

Bliss magazine:

 Our #WCW today is Bliss contributor Christine! In her words:

"In my blog, Christine in Progress, I write about finding my healthy balance. I share everything from, cooking adventures, dressing room confessions, life lessons, exercise adventures and more. Christine in Progress is a #judgment-free zone! I am very transparent in my posts, and I Invite my readers to join me in the journey; and share their life experiences as well.

Who am I? I am a mom who sometimes doesn’t know what she is doing but my children love me anyway. I am a wife who is not perfect but, I am perfectly made for him. I am a good friend, I am a worker bee, I am an introvert, I am a funny girl, I am a drama queen (sometimes), I am a writer, I am a dreamer, I am an amazing shower singer, I hate walnuts, I love red lipstick and I love a good vanilla soy chai latte!

I find my Bliss when I am able to drop my guard and truly be myself. I make it a point to surrounding myself with people who accept me just as I am no matter who I am that day! :) "


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